Blog Update No. 1 (Mike Hanewich)

Blog Update No. 1 (Mike Hanewich)

Learning chemistry is beneficial to learn because it explains the properties and behavior of matter, matter making up everything in the world. On a smaller scale chemistry also deals with atoms and how atoms react to certain substances in different situations.  When you study chemistry in reality you are studying make up of the word around you, and everything that if filled by it. Chemistry deriving from chemical shows its importance because chemicals are one of the most important topics to study because they can show benefits and potential dangers to humans. Another reason to study chemistry is because it is prevalent in most jobs if not all in this day and age.  Studying chemistry can also help us to keep the world safer and it can teach us to use cleaner substances to keep the earth clean and healthy.

Published in: on September 3, 2009 at 12:19 am  Comments (2)